Reg#: C02958839 | Tattoo: ALNK 48Y | BD: 17/03/2011
Reg#: C02958839 | Tattoo: ALNK 48Y | BD: 17/03/2011

86 lb BW, 112 WN indx, 110 YR indx, MARB #1, & 107 REA index, overlayed with well-marked depth of body, wide loin, thick quarters and smooth overall and you’ve got 48Y. “Mom” is a yellow 21M daughter, moderate sized, with a level bag & small well-placed teats. Superman 77J was a great AI sire, and a son, 26T, (used nat), left us high performance sons with pigment & the heifers make great cows.
Curverbender/Heifer bull Lot 28B