A son of the great 114L, 105T is a handsome fellow, not just in his structure and muscling (lots of muscle and meat over the top, wide in the pins, muscle down the quarters and pants that bulge) but also holds a beautiful yet masculine head. Great length, yellow haircoat, deep ribs with extra eye-appeal and pigmentation all add up to make him really special. 105T comes from a beautiful mother of thick mossy long hair and a flat udder with teats small and set well apart and in every corner. Lot 20B
86 lb BW, 112 WN indx, 110 YR indx, MARB #1, & 107 REA index, overlayed with well-marked depth of body, wide loin, thick quarters and smooth overall and you’ve got 48Y. “Mom” is a yellow 21M daughter, moderate sized, with a level bag & small well-placed teats. Superman 77J was a great AI sire, and a son, 26T, (used nat), left us high performance sons with pigment & the heifers make great cows.
Curverbender/Heifer bull Lot 28B