An oil giant namesake inspires 25E to impact your herd! Sired by 110C, born at 76 lbs (recommended for heifers), Exxon performed well: 680 lbs at WN (111 indx) & YR (106 indx); ultrasound 2/53 REA (125 index, 1.23/100lbs) 64.2 LMY! This tanker is deep, with an excellent quarter, wide top, great pants & red testicles. His great all-around dam, 16C, has easy calving top & bottom. Her heifer (same sire) indexed 115 at WN. 25E’s pumped out balanced EPDs: CE 5.3, BW 2.1, Milk 27.3, TM 44.1, FMI 131.4 & MARB 0.23.